Graduating class scanned with an iPhone

Maria-Theresia “Maryse” Stam
26th August 1958 – 17th July 2020

We are very sorry to recently hear of the death of Maryse after losing her fight with cancer.

48th Anniversary Reunion
21st September 2024

In the middle of the summer of 2022, Alina, Olga and Liz were visiting Madrid with nobody else here except a couple of sad hangers-on.

Party time 2022
After a couple of sips, they declared that many of us are retired or hoping to do so, have only grandparenting obligations, and five years is too damn long to be reminded of our sordid past. After two more sips, we decreed to convene a class reunion in 2024 — three years after the pandemic online reunion in 2021 — and make them more frequent so that we can still recognize one another.

The self-appointed revolutionary committee here has further decreed that after the 48th Anniversary we shall have an annual drop-in September, starting with our 50th in 2026. Stay tuned for developements.

1st Virtual Reunion
A pandemic cannot stop us…

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic our 45th Anniversary Reunion had to be held via video conferencing.

There were seventeen time zones involved, from California on PDT (UTC -7) to Australia on AEST (UTC +10), and this meant that some were waking to a Champagne breakfast while others were waiting to go to bed.

We have 485 photographs posted on the site, including the 45th Day After pix, and there is a very long recording of the meeting.

The 45th Anniversary Virtual Reunion